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Living In a Software Defined World
March 30, 2018

We currently are living in the golden era of software development, presented with an unlimited choice of tools, platforms, and architectural styles. Practically everything we do is channeled through a code someone devised. From a software developer’s standpoint, the tools that are now available are highly sophisticated. Some of the top trending phrases in technology today are software defined networking (SDN), software defined storage (SDS), and software defined data center (SDDC). Looking at it from a broader perspective, we can say we are living in a software-defined world. Organizations now realize that they must be prepared to implement a software-defined infrastructure. From a business standpoint, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure you are staying afloat during this game-changing shift in IT.

1. Purchasing Decisions

Many companies have various teams that are in charge of purchasing different equipment. For example, if you require new storage, it is likely that the infrastructure team within the IT department is making that decision. Similarly, server decisions may be left to the system administrators. But in order for these to work together, different disciplines must get involved and be in sync with one another. Teams must not only evaluate how purchases in adjacent areas might impact how they can work together, but also how these purchases can deliver optimal user experience.

2. Budgets

When all individuals and teams become a cohesive unit, the question of budgets must be addressed. In smaller businesses, the owner may be the final decision-maker when it comes to software development and equipment, but many larger corporations have budgets that are specifically allocated to each department. There are wide variances of costs associated with different equipment and services related to software. If you are seeking out custom software development, average project costs can range from $7,000 upwards of $500,000 depending on the specific needs of the organization.

3. Priority Structure

Similar to budgeting impacts, it is essential to examine the implications of cross-team collaboration and what priorities come first. Software development takes time, with specific tasks and solutions being addressed in the order of importance. A great way to outline this for your organization as well as those working collaboratively in software development is through developing a matrix. This provides the company with structure in which reporting relationships are set up as grids, and can be highly effective in describing the management of cross-functional groups.


Our world is moving towards a software-defined future at lightning speeds. Many individuals are unmotivated by this change as they have continually watched as large transformation initiatives start and fail. But there is hope in this new era. It is imperative to understand that it can take years to transform organizations so getting both the people and processes in place to drive this change is paramount when taking advantage of next-generation technologies. For individuals who are new to software development and its processes, it would be wise to consult with professionals such as NextGen Connect in order to ensure the highest level of success. 

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